July 17, 2020
There’s a lot of “stuff” going on that makes it hard to be upbeat sometimes, which is so important to me. July is a tough time in Michigan for asthma. I’m stuck inside. But, we all are and have been. While the news and social media keeps us in touch with the world, I feel like I need to set aside time to be grateful for new things brought by this crazy situation. I’m going for a whole week of Covid business gratitude here and have not made my list, yet, so let’s hope I’ve got a few things.
The #1 thing that has astounded me and impressed me during this entire pandemic is the immense creativity I’ve seen. From Chris Martin of Coldplay playing a virtual concert way back at the start for us in March, to the @AFPGreaterDetroitChapter having free weekly town halls for months to keep our community connected, to vendors providing all sorts of free training, everyone is finding ways to deliver what they do best in a new and different, and often free, way. I love that.
Perhaps my favorite is the invitation I got from my alma mater (’91, ’20), @BowlingGreenStateUniversity, to dine with President @RodneyRogers virtually. The campus chef was going to teach us a meal and we were invited to cook together and get to know the president. In 2 hours, it was full, so I didn’t get to try it, but I have seen @MatrixHumanServices offer party packs to households for a similar remote party. How wonderful and creative!
What is the most creative thing you’ve seen so far?